What are they, what are the differences between them and how they can improve your life?
This section describes stromatolites and stromatoporoids, their similarities and differences and aims to clear up any misunderstandings about them. Stromatolites are often confused with stromatoporoids because they happen to have a similar name, and can look very similar when seen in rocky outcrops and even in polished rocks; but biologically they are not related. I will show you how to recognise these two structures, and how to distinguish between them. There are many places in the world (including the UK, where I am based) that have both of them, although not often together because they tend to have different requirements for growth. Nevertheless, there are cases where they occur in the same outcrops, so you can impress your friends (or simply reinforce their view that you are a bit weird) if you can distinguish stromatolites and stromatoporoids!
Stromatolites are very well known in the public domain; you don't have to look far to find descriptions and pictures of them, and there are many media descriptions of them in relation to evolution of life on Earth. They are constructed principally by bacteria and cyanobacteria, and are known to be amongst the oldest fossils on Earth, as well as being alive today in certain places. Fossil stromatolites grew mostly in the sea; living stromatolites are also in the sea, but there are examples which live in highly salty lakes and even in fresh water.
Stromatoporoids are sponges that grew a calcium carbonate skeleton and lived in normal marine conditions in shallow oceans. They have living representatives that occur in shady parts of the shallow sea floor, normally associated with coral reefs. However, in parts of the geological past, stromatoporoids were major reef constructors in their own right, and for tens of millions of years they occupied the same ecological position as modern coral reefs do. There is a lot of general information presented in this website in the section on Coral Reefs that you can access from the GENERAL INTEREST link on the Homepage. About 375 million years ago stromatoporoids were badly affected by mass extinction near the end of the Devonian Period of geological time, and since then have been much less important in shallow marine environments.
Figure 1: one is a stromatoporoid, the other is a stromatolite.
Figure 2: one is a stromatoporoid, the other is a stromatolite.
Figure 3: Is this a stromatolite or a stromatoporoid?
Figure 4: Is this a stromatolite or a stromatoporoid?
Figure 5: Is this a stromatolite or a stromatoporoid?
Figure 6: Three of these are stromatolites, three are stromatoporoids, which is which?
The reason for the similarity of the names of stromatolites and stromatoporoids is because they are similarly layered; the word stroma comes from Greek language, meaning a layer or mattress. Thus stromatolite means "layered rock", while stromatoporoid means "layered with porous structure". In most cases, stromatolites are composed of fine-grained finely-layered sediment which is cemented to preserve the layers. Stromatoporoids, in contrast, are calcium carbonate fossils, with an architecture that is highly variable, but is dominated by layers often called laminae and vertical structures often called pillars; some species of stromatoporoids are not dissimilar in appearance from the mortar between bricks in a brick wall (SEE PHOTOS). Thus stromatoporoids are equivalent to other fossils you might be familiar with (e.g. ammonites, trilobites) that have a hard skeleton which is preserved, while the soft tissues rot away. Stromatoporoids are therefore skeletal fossils, while stromatolites are mostly not, but there are some which are skeletal, and that makes the differences a little more complicated. I have not included skeletal stromatolites in this webpage, but if you are desperate to find out about them, then I could include them in a future update.
The oldest stromatolites are around 3,500 million years old, way back in the earlier part of the Precambrian time, in a part of the geological record called the Archaean Eon. Stromatolites are more abundant in the younger parts of the Precambrian time, the Proterozoic Eon. Most stromatolites are made of sediment compiled in layers, by the action of cyanobacteria and bacteria which colonised the sea floor, trapping sediment. It is commonly interpreted that the origin of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere is largely due to the photosynthesising action of stromatolites, over hundreds of millions of years. The Earth atmosphere was probably almost all carbon dioxide in its early history, as is still true for our two nearest neighbours, Mars and Venus, that lack life as we know it, Jim.
The oldest stromatoporoids, however, are much younger, because they are part of the events in later Earth history when skeletonised fossils became abundant. The earliest stromatoporoids might be late Cambrian Period, but are debated in relation to their biological position, because much depends on the interpretation of the nature of fossil structures that are not found as modern organisms. Nevertheless, definite stromatoporoids became abundant in the middle part of the Ordovician period, around 470 million years ago, and were the major reef-building fossils in this earlier episode of abundant skeletonised fossils, called the Palaeozoic Era. Stromatoporoids suffered extinction along with other fossils in the Late Devonian mass extinction event, in contrast to stromatolites, which are common after that extinction. Some researchers claim there is evidence that stromatolites (and other microbially-related structures) bloomed after extinction events, taking advantage of the abundant nutrients left available when large numbers of skeletonised creatures died out. The problem is that some of the major extinctions were not accompanied by stromatolites and their kind, so there is a lot of debate about that!
From the above paragraphs you can see there are major differences between these two fossil types, that are somewhat hidden by their superficial physical similarity; this is why they are worth knowing about.
Fig. 1A: Stromatolite in southern Turkey from shallow marine environments directly after the end-Permian mass extinction event; Fig. 1B: Stromatoporoid from a Silurian shallow marine reef in Wenlock Edge, midlands of England. To be honest, from these photos, without prior knowledge of those sites, the two fossils are not distinguishable from these photos.
Fig. 2A: Stromatolite from a Silurian reef on the island of Gotland, Sweden; it is unusual to find them so well-developed in these reefs; Fig. 2B: Stromatoporoid from another Silurian reef, also on Gotland. In both cases, layering is well-displayed. Again, as in Fig. 1, it would hard to distinguish them in these photos, you need at least a hand lens, and maybe a microscope.
Fig. 3: Stromatoporoid from a Silurian reef on Gotland, Sweden. The rather flat structure and the small dome-shaped lumps on the upper surface near the top of the photo are more characteristic of stromatoporoids, but you could not prove it from this picture.
Fig. 4: A classic stromatolite, a piece of the Cotham Marble from the latest Triassic Period, cut in vertical section. This piece came from near Bristol, UK. The very thin multicoloured layers are very fine-grained sedimentary particles of calcium carbonate, and there are small sedimentary breaks shown by tiny erosion surfaces cutting the sediment layers. The odd-looking vertically orientated bubbly features are probably due to a change in growth structure caused by environmental change. This is certainly not a stromatoporoid. By the way, this rock is a limestone, not marble; marble is a metamorphic rock, metamorphism is a process of heat and pressure that destroys the original fabric of sedimentary rocks. In contrast this photo shows a beautiful sedimentary rock, with all its features preserved, and no indication of metamorphism.
Fig. 5: A stromatoporoid made of tall thin columns, linked together by lateral flanges. Stromatolites do not look like this. Lower Silurian, Gotland, Sweden.
Fig. 6: A, E and F are stromatoporoids, B,C and D are stromatolites. The only one you could be reasonably sure of is B, because of its very narrow columnar fabric. However, to distinguish them with certainty, you need a hand lens or a microscope.
For information, all the photos in this section of the website show limestone; all stromatoporoids were constructed from calcium carbonate (although in some cases become later silicified); nearly all stromatolites are made of layers of sedimentary material made of calcium carbonate, but there are some which were made from silica and even other materials, such as iron oxides. Just to make it more exciting, although most carbonate stromatolites are made of layers of sediment, some are made of crystallised calcium carbonate, called carbonate cement, for example Fig. 6B above, but you can’t tell from this magnification; finally some are made of a mixture of deposited particles of sediment and cement, and thus are hybrids (originally described by my good friend Robert Riding in a paper a few years ago). You will see some examples of this variation in the photos lower down.
You need a good hand lens of 10x magnification; you can use 20x (more expensive), but 10x is fine. With a 10x hand lens you can see the structure that makes up the fossil, and you can see whether the fossil is a stromatolite or a stromatoporoid. However, please note that using a hand lens to study a rocky surface will make you look nerd-ish, especially if you do it in public. There are numerous places in cities in the UK where polished facing stones on outsides (and insides) or buildings contain structures that have fine details needing a lens; thus if you use a hand lens to study them, either have lots of friends who are doing the same thing so that the general public steers well clear of you, or make sure you wear normal clothing; then if anyone bothers you, you can leave and blend into the crowd and not be noticed. PLEASE never damage polished rock surfaces on buildings; most fossils are in limestone, which is relatively soft (a knife would scratch it). They are for everybody's enjoyment, so leave them untouched.
If you want to go the whole hog and study these fossils in detail, you need a petrological microscope, and need to have rock thin sections (slices of rock so thin they are transparent, stuck to glass microscope slides); then you can see the details in all their magnificent glory. In this part of the website, and in other projects of this website, there are numerous photographs of rock thin sections taken through a petrological microscope, so you can appreciate the value of such tools. Making thin sections is not difficult, but you need to know how to go about it, and have the right equipment, and take the appropriate safety precautions. You also generally need permissions to collect samples, and it is essential to ensure you follow safety codes in the field.
SPECIAL NOTE: the best place to study stromatoporoids, that I know of, is the Exhibition Road entrance of the Natural History Museum in London; the entire entrance lobby is faced with the most beautiful layered stromatoporoids, in which their structure can be very clearly seen. Unfortunately, I don't know of any stromatolite facing stone in London, but there are lots of websites that illustrate stromatolites; there are even websites with "stromatolite" in the domain name! Please note that some websites claim that stromatolites have healing powers; however, they are really just pieces of limestone that have been created in layers, not a justification for such beliefs. Believe what you want to, of course, but if you decide to buy pieces from websites, you will be enriching yourself scientifically with some of the most beautiful geological material, but try not to pay too much. Most sites I have seen selling such material tend to charge too much, but even that is preferable to collecting your own, especially if you do not have polishing equipment, because stromatolites and stromatoporoids remain rather uninteresting lumps of limestone until they are polished.
If you find the information in this part of the website interesting, then you may want to look at the detailed coverage of some of my research into stromatoporoids and stromatolites in the GEOSCIENCE RESEARCHERS part of this website. You will see that some of the photographs shown in the pages here are repeated elsewhere in the website; this is deliberate, so that you can relate this section to others in the site.
Stromatolites are apparently simple structured, consisting of layers of sediment, but they vary. The following pictures are from a field visit organised by the China University of Petroleum (Beijing), associated with the first conference on Palaeogeography, Beijing, September 2013. The rocks are the Late Precambrian Upper Tieling Formation 1400 million years old, and the photos show you some of the variety of the stromatolites in this area. The stromatolite deposit is 100 m thick!!! Stromatolites are interpreted to have been largely responsible for the 21% oxygen of the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, and so a deposit 100 m thick of just stromatolites, is a small indicator of how abundant and important they were. Note that these pictures do not show all the variety of these Precambrian stromatolites, but after looking at the photos you should get a a useful understanding. ![]()
Figure 7: Upper left: view of a landscaped quarry where the stromatolites are preserved as part of a geopark. Upper right: a stone marking the presence of the stromatolites, written here in Chinese. Lower left: a view of columnar stromatolites in this site. Lower right: part of a description carved into a block of stromatolite next to one of the several sites in this area.
Figure 8a: Columnar stromatolites, with fine-grained sediment in between them that is not layered. There is a fragment of a stromatolite in between two columns in the big picture. Note that, in contrast, stromatoporoids rarely grew such columnar structures, so there is very little likelihood you will see stromatoporoids that look like this. Nevertheless, any good scientist would want to check for the layered structure that lacks the brick wall appearance of stromatoporoids, before being 100% certain of their identity.
Figure 8b: four pictures of variations in the stromatolite. Upper left: side view of laminated stromatolite. Upper right: a mixture of columnar and laminated forms. Lower two photos: along one particular layer, the stromatolite columns are bent and pressed against each other; this is rather odd, and they may have been affected by currents that forced them to grow in one orientation.
Figure 9a: a small cluster of small broken stromatolite columns that have fallen down in the gap between two large columns. The small columns thus seem to have broken along the curved growth surfaces, indicating that although they were reasonably solid, they could separate along the curved surfaces and fall into short lengths of column; thus they were not fully lithified (turned to stone) at the time they grew. Such features can be explained if the stromatolite layers were made of bacteria/cyanobacteria that trapped fine sediment, and was only later lithified.
Figure 9b: Close up view of some of the bent stromatolite columns, but at the top of the photo is a large jagged line that cuts through the stromatolites; the overlying stromatolites were compacted down onto the ones underneath. The jagged line is called a stylolite and is caused by the pressure of the overlying rocks when these deposits were buried in the Earth crust. Thus the stromatolites have suffered pressure solution, a very common feature of limestones, and is also illustrated in the Coral Reefs project on this website, accessed from the For Everybody page.
Figure 10a: Photos of columnar stromatolites in vertical and horizontal section, in a site near the top of the stromatolite deposit.
Figure 10b: Another view of some of the other stromatolites in the Upper Tieling Formation that shows the columns cut in horizontal cross section. The concentric rings are visible because the curved columnar structure is cut flat across, rather like the rings of an onion when cut through along a flat line.
Figure 11: three polished samples of vertically cut stromatolites, showing the beautiful smooth curving laminae of the successive growth layers. Note the brown and light grey unlaminated sediment between columns that filled the space after the stromatolites grew.
Figure 12: Field visits by geologists always have a group photo; here is the happy group of people who are smiling because of the amazing stromatolites! This particular field visit was sponsored and organised by the International Association of Palaeogeographers, based in Beijing, as part of the First International Palaeogeography Conference, Beijing, September 2013. With thanks to Prof Feng Zhengzhao.
The following photos are of stromatolites in thin section, taken down a microscope. These photos are from the stromatolites that grew after the end-Permian mass extinction, 250 million years ago, and are therefore much younger than the Precambrian stromatolites of the previous pictures.
Figure 13: Microscope thin section photos of the same specimen illustrated in Fig. 6D above, from the famous stromatolites that formed directly after the end-Permian extinction event, that killed 90% of all marine species. The stromatolites are part of a series of microbialite sedimentary rocks that replaced the ancient coral-sponge reefs that existed in the shallow marine environments before the extinction. These and other thin section pictures in this website were made by photographing a very thin slice of rock using transmitted light on a microscope. The black rectangle in photo B shows the area of photo A. Photo A lower right part is purely sedimentary stromatolite, but the left hand side has some tiny calcite (calcium carbonate) crystals, so this sample is a hybrid stromatolite.
Figure 14: More thin sections from stromatolites that formed after the end-Permian extinction. Photos A and B are sedimentary, Photo C is a mixture of sediment and cement, but Photo D is purely cement.
Figure 15: Another hybrid stromatolite.